6 épisodes

Work, Wages And Profit

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From a founding text by Karl Marx, thinkers in economics and social sciences from around the world are invited to reflect on the origins of the terms that structure our lives. Our entire capitalist system is dissected to open up the discussions on the world of tomorrow.

Understanding our everyday lives, by looking at what is happening inside the contemporary economic engine. 


Thumbnail for Work, Wages and Profit - Work

Work, Wages and Profit - Work

Thumbnail for Work, Wages and Profit - Employment

Work, Wages and Profit - Employment

Thumbnail for Work, Wages and Profit - Wages

Work, Wages and Profit - Wages

Thumbnail for Work, Wages and Profit - Market

Work, Wages and Profit - Market

Thumbnail for Work, Wages and Profit - Capital

Work, Wages and Profit - Capital

Thumbnail for Work, Wages and Profit - Profit

Work, Wages and Profit - Profit

Accompagnements pédagogiques

Qu’est-ce que les dossiers thématiques ?
Qu’est-ce qu'une fiche pédagogique ?

1 dossier thématique

Thumbnail for Social work, a strong link in social cohesion


Social work, a strong link in social cohesion