Épisode 1

The History of Antisemitism - Origins – 38-1144

Episode 1/4


Anti-Judaism, Judeophobia, hatred of the Jews: where does this phenomenon come from, a phenomenon that has spanned the centuries, and which, for ease of language, we call anti-Semitism? How was it born? Where did it originate? Where did anti-Semitism originate? How did it develop? From the first wave of anti-Jewish violence in Alexandria to the time of the Crusades, the golden age of Al-Andalus and the massacre in Granada, we go back to the ancient origins of the phenomenon.

Historians place the first massacre in Alexandria, home to a flourishing Jewish community, in 38, which unleashed the fury of the Egyptians. From the 2nd century onwards, the ardor of proselytism ruined understanding between Christians and Jews, with the former accusing the latter of deicide. In 413, Saint Augustine published The City of God. For almost a millennium, this book would influence the place of Jews in Christian morality, as a "witness people" to be both protected and subjugated, an idea later taken up by Muslims. The first Crusades took place in the 11th and 12th centuries, fighting not only Muslims but also Jews, seen as the enemy within.

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Thumbnail for The History of Antisemitism - Origins – 38-1144

The History of Antisemitism - Origins – 38-1144

Thumbnail for The History of Antisemitism - The Time of Rejection – 1144-1791

The History of Antisemitism - The Time of Rejection – 1144-1791

Thumbnail for The History of Antisemitism - From Emancipation to the Holocaust – 1791-1945

The History of Antisemitism - From Emancipation to the Holocaust – 1791-1945

Thumbnail for The History of Antisemitism - The new Face of Antisemitism – 1945 - Present

The History of Antisemitism - The new Face of Antisemitism – 1945 - Present

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