Épisode 3

The History of Antisemitism - From Emancipation to the Holocaust – 1791-1945

Episode 3/4


The Revolution brought hope. Throughout Europe, Jews began to dream of equality and an end to discrimination. But political movements and pseudo-scientific currents soon fueled new forms of hostility towards them. They gave birth to a new term to define themselves. Antisemitism is a term that is claimed and assumed.

Under the influence of the French revolutionaries, many Jews gained citizenship in Europe. But the industrial boom brought new forms of hostility. As the weight of religion diminished, anti-Semitism turned to racial theories. Jews were also used as scapegoats by a populist socialist movement that revived the medieval cliché of the "moneyed Jew" and blamed them for working-class misery. Under the impetus of the journalist Theodor Herzl, the Zionist movement and the demand for a refugee state emerged. In 1903, the Russian pogrom at Kishinev outraged the international community. The 20th century was also marked by the advent of the Hitler regime, with its openly anti-Semitic doctrine.

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Épisodes de la série

Thumbnail for The History of Antisemitism - Origins – 38-1144

The History of Antisemitism - Origins – 38-1144

Thumbnail for The History of Antisemitism - The Time of Rejection – 1144-1791

The History of Antisemitism - The Time of Rejection – 1144-1791

Thumbnail for The History of Antisemitism - From Emancipation to the Holocaust – 1791-1945

The History of Antisemitism - From Emancipation to the Holocaust – 1791-1945

Thumbnail for The History of Antisemitism - The new Face of Antisemitism – 1945 - Present

The History of Antisemitism - The new Face of Antisemitism – 1945 - Present

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