Mapping the World - Artificial Intelligence: An Instrument Of Power?
It all started during the Second World War, with the machine to decipher the German coded messages designed by the British computer scientist Alan Turing. And then in the 70s the little geniuses of Silicon Valley rose to fame with the war of calculators and video games, waged between America and Japan. That was before the machine's processing power became stronger than the human brain – the first time a computer won against a champion of Go in 2016 was a telling milestone. Nowadays artificial intelligence takes the form of software for traders, household robots, personal digital assistants, and tomorrow – undoubtedly – of autonomous cars and killer robots to replace soldiers.
The Serie : Then complex world of geopolitics broken down into ten minute, bite-sized chunks. You'll never sound uninformed at the dinner table ever again.
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Épisodes de la série

Mapping the World - Cities: Never Without My Car?

Mapping The World - Who Defends Europe ?

Mapping the World - When Sport Becomes Political

Mapping The World - Catalonia The Spanish Imbroglio

Mapping the World - Hong Kong Returns To China

Mapping the World - Space: A New Stake Of Power?

Mapping the World - Poland: What Place In Europe?

Mapping the World - A New Geopolitical Cyber Space

Mapping the World - Australia: A Western Or Eastern Power?

Mapping the World - Europe: After The Ebb, The Flow?

Mapping the World - Artificial Intelligence: An Instrument Of Power?

Mapping the World - India: Dreams Of Power?

Mapping The World - Trade : Conquering The Oceans

Mapping the World - Automotive: A Globalized Industry

Mapping The World - The Planet Of The Languages